Life isn’t all sunshines and rainbows. Whether you have health issues or just a string of bad days, sometimes you just need to feel better in some way right this very moment. Here are some things I do when I have bad days from arthritis or I’m feeling down (often because of the arthritis).
PS – it’s also important to practice self-care regularly, which basically means to take care of yourself physically and mentally. Here’s some more information on self-care.
Watch your favorite movie or TV show (do I have to say more about this?)
Listen to a playlist of your favorite songs or songs that make you want to dance – I have a Feel Good playlist that I listen to when I’m feeling blue or I feel the beginning of an anxiety attack. It’s a playlist of the songs that make me happy, that I like to sing (which makes me happy), or make me dance. I suggest everyone make a Feel Good playlist!
Do some type of physical activity if you are able to, like going for a walk or yoga. This isn’t always possible – especially if you have a physical health issue – but the point is to a) distract yourself and b) get some endorphins pumping. I like yoga because it’s better on my body and it forces me to focus entirely on my breathing and what I’m doing. The post-practice meditation is pretty awesome, too!
Make your favorite food. This way, you get the process of anticipating how great it will be and then you get to eat it! And maybe you have leftovers and get to eat it later, too!
Update a space in your living quarters, whether than means cleaning or reorganizing. Having an organized space always makes me feel better, both when I’m looking at it and the process of doing it.
Create something, like write a poem, draw something, or even create a Pinterest account or Tumblr. The key here is to distract yourself by throwing yourself into something new that has a tangible result that you can look that. Both Pinterest and Tumblr are great for distracting yourself from bad things … and, you know, just in general … #sorrynotsorry
[bctt tweet=”11 ways to improve a bad day” username=”kmitchellauthor”]
Listen to an audiobook (Try an Audible free trial! I can’t recommend Audible enough. I’ve already converted my mom to it.) Sometimes it requires too much from me to hold a book and focus on reading the words, so listening to someone else read it is great for those moments.
Buy yourself something, even if it’s just a latte. Treating yourself to something that makes you happy can improve your mood. Tested and proven in the very scientific method called Kate’s Life.
Make a list of everything you’re grateful for or proud of yourself for doing. It’s so easy to focus on the bad in your life and it might make you feel better if you see a concrete list of how much you have in your life and/or how amazing you are.
Call a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Maybe you need to focus on someone else, maybe you need to talk about how you’re feeling. Maybe just talking to them will cheer you up!
Find some YouTube videos that make you happy and watch them until you feel a bit better. Here are some in particular that I love:
Any Carpool Kareoke
Disney Dudez – the Disney/boy band mashup you never knew you needed
What do you to feel better on a bad day?
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I found myself agreeing to many points of this. I always try and ind that zone with getting active or creative. But then I got to the end and saw you included a watch any carpool karaoke and I the epitome of the praise hands!