When you think you have the stomach flu and then your doctor tells you go to to the ER and end up hospitalized for several days … autoimmune disease life is great, let me tell you. So yes, today is my birthday and I’m spending it in the hospital. But anyway, since it is my 26th birthday, I thought I would share 26 things about me so you can get to know me better.
1. I grew up in Maine, went to college in Tennessee, lived there for a year, and then moved to Boston.
2. I’ve been writing since forever; the earliest I can remember is when I was 6.
3. I played violin, viola, and flute in middle and high school.
4. I had to stop because of my arthritis, so I joined choir in college.
5. I met some of my best friends from college in choir. We have a saying – come for the music, stay for the people.
6. I used to ski in middle and high school, but even if my arthritis hadn’t stopped that, my fear of heights meant I never really went to more advanced routes!
7. I wrote the first draft of Aureole when I was in high school and finished it my junior year of college.
8. I doubled majored in secondary education and English when I was in college.
9. I’m currently getting my MA in English literature (1 more semester left!).
10. My favorite flowers are tulips.
11. I generally prefer action movies to other genres.
12. Crime shows are my favorite genre of TV.
13. My favorite genre of books is historical fiction.
14. I spent a month in London in a mini-study abroad experience and I loved it. I wish I could have done a full semester!
15. I have had 5 joint surgeries and am about to have my 6th.
16. I have been writing TLM since I finished Aureole, aka since July 2012.
17. I tend to like literature either written or set before 1600.
18. Most books I read are over 500 pages.
19. I’ve visited 8 countries: Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, England, France, Spain, Denmark, and Sweden.
20. I’m Catholic.
21. I would love to write a fantasy book.
22. I would rather write a well-loved book than an award-winning one (as long as it was still good quality).
23. I love football and baseball but don’t really care about basketball.
24. I listen to country and pop music more than other genres.
25. Yoga and walking my dog are my preferred forms of exercise.
26. Big Brother is my guilty pleasure.

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I hate to hear you are in the hospital on your birthday!! I hope you still have an amazing day regardless! 😉
Thank you!
Oh no! Hope you’re feeling better soon! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Thank you! I happily got discharged Monday night so that made my birthday a lot better!
Happy Birthday! You are such an interesting person. It’s so fun learning about someone–you especially! I honestly thought you were older than me…you seem so wise. I guess that’s what autoimmune diseases do to people like us.
Thank you so much! That’s a huge compliment.
Happy Birthday!! My birthday is tomorrow and I feel you…I have been in and out of the hospital so much over the past few months I’m hoping with everything that I’ll have a “good day” tomorrow <3 Hugs and Strength!
Yikes! Hope you ended up having a great birthday! (PS – you share a birthday with my mom)
Happy birthday, Kate! I hope you’re feeling better soon!
Thank you!
Happy Birthday! XoXo
Thank you so much!
Happy birthday to you! I’m so sorry you’re spending it at the hospital. I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you! Slowly but surely doing better.
Happy Birthday! Sorry you have to spend it in the hospital – arthritis has its own ideas about our lives and plans! But hope you up and about soon!
Thank you! I happily got discharged Monday night, which was an awesome birthday present.
I never knew you liked country music, that’s my favorite too!