Bloggers walk a fine line when it comes to creating content between creating for themselves and creating for their audiences. After all, while it’s my blog, I don’t put all this work in for no one to read it. That’s where reader surveys can come into play.
1. Learn which content readers want more or less of
2. Get opinions on new ideas
3. Find out where your regular readers found you
4. Learn about what type of content readers connect with the most
5. Answer the burning question, “Do my readers actually want to read this?”
6. Get opinions on the amount of sponsored content you have
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
Hmm. Now I'm curious if I should do one for my blog! I love stats.
How many people do you have complete the survey? Videos? This is something I'm exploring this summer. Any tips/thoghts
I've thought about doing a reader survey, but sometimes I'm not sure if I have readers!! I agree that it is a really good tool truly see what people think of what you are doing.
This is a wonderful post! I did a reader survey back in November, but this is the perfect nudge to do a new one since I have different and more consistent readers now. So glad to have found your blog 🙂
XX, SS || A Little Seersucker Sass