One of the best things about the Internet is its ability to connect you to people all around the world whenever you want. This is especially helpful if you need inspiration or help for whatever problem or project you’re working on. In particular, there are so many resources out there for writers, no matter what type of writer you are. Some of my favorite resources come in the shape of writing bloggers, and since I believe in sharing the love and inspiration, I’m going to talk about my favorite writing bloggers today.
By the way, I’m in Nashville for the weekend! Follow along on Instagram (including my story) and Snapchat.
Jenny Bravo (formerly Blots and Plots) – On her blog, Jenny writes about writing tips, self-publishing, marketing your books, creative tips, and more. Her blog is a great resource for anyone interested in self-publishing or some inspiration in writing a novel. Some of my favorite posts of hers are Creating Believable Characters, Marketing for Writers, and Boost Your Creativity in Ten Simple Ways.
Briana Mae Morgan – Briana writes about different aspects of the writing process as she experiences them, excerpts from her writing projects, tools that help her writing, and more. She’s honest about her experiences and she opens her writing project and process to her readers. (Check out the guest post she wrote for me last fall – Marketing Your Book As You Write It.)
She’s Novel – Can I fangirl a little? Not only is Kristen talented, but she focuses her time on helping writers become better and publish. There’s a reason she has over 10,000 people on her email list – she’s just that great. I think her site might be the #1 source on my Writing Pinterest board. Her blog categories include pre-writing, characterization, drafting, editing, author platforms, and more. I especially love her posts An Introduction to World-Building, 3 Awesome Plot Structures for Building Best Sellers, 33 Ways To Write Stronger Characters, How To Write in Deep POV, and 8 Steps To Pursuing a Professional Writing Career. Also, I bought her book The Novel Planner* because she’s so helpful and great.
Helping Writings Become Authors – K. M. Weiland is an internationally-published and award-winning author, and she mentors authors and blogs to help them, too. I actually bought her book Structuring Your Novel* without making the connection that I read her site on a regular basis. The site itself is really helpful, and I strongly suggest checking it out. Some great posts include 100+ Questions To Help You Interrogate Your Character, How To Write the Perfect Plot, The 6 Best Ways to Rewrite Your Book, and How To Structure Scenes.
Cooks & Books – One of the best things other than blogs by and for writers is a blog by a literary agent for writers. As her bio says, Maria “help[s] writers and bloggers build platforms and make a living from their writing.” While the bloggers in this post genuinely want to help writers, most don’t have the background that Maria does, which provides a different perspective. Check out these posts: How To Get a Traditional Book Deal if You’ve Self-Published, The One Piece of Advice I Give Every Single Aspiring Author, When Is My Platform Big Enough for a Book?, and 7 Things You can Do Today To Get on the Bestseller Track.
Kayla Dean – On her site, Kayla calls herself a creativepreneur, author, and freethinker who is working to build her author platform while helping her readers find theirs. Some posts I love are How To Enrich Your Writing with Your Experiences and 5 Must-Read Writing Books of 2016.
E.M. Welsh – E.M. is a writer of many genres – screenplays, short plays, fiction, and more. She blogs about so many different aspects of writing, and she has so many great tips. I particularly love her posts Creating a Writer’s Ritual, Main Character Versus Protagonist, and The Number One Ingredient to a Great Story.
Who are your favorite writing bloggers?

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
KATE. I’m just going to fangirl right on back because this absolutely made my day. THANK YOU, LADY!
Hi Kate! Thanks so much for the share! I appreciate it so much! (: