When I started blogging, I had no idea how many little bits and pieces came with it. There was so much information to learn, and I’m honestly still learning. I thought today that I would compile a list of problems bloggers face and posts they can read to fix them. These may be great blogging tips for beginners or just good blogging tips all around. Wherever you are in your blogging journey, hopefully these can help!
1. No-reply bloggers
If you use Blogger and your account is connected to Google +, you may be a no-reply blogger. This means that when you comment, an email with your comment is sent to the blogger, but the blogger can’t respond directly to it. Other comments are sent to the blogger’s inbox, and that blogger can respond directly via email. For example, if you comment on my posts but never receive a reply back, it’s because you’re a no-reply blogger.
How to fix it – Venus Trapped In Mars
2. Media kits
Media kits are a great way to have your statistics and information at easy access. Plus, it’s so much more professional than just listing the details. I have both on my advertising page and update the written materials more frequently than the media kit because it’s easier to do that. But having the media kit available is easy and rewarding (hey – look how awesome I am! Appreciate my awesomeness! Woohoo!)
How to make a media kit – Lix Hewitt
3. Use images in your blog posts
It’s something talked about all over the blogosphere: break up your posts with images so that you don’t have large chunks of text in a row, or else your reader will get bored. But you also want to have good quality images, and preferably wide ones. It’s not always possible to take these pictures yourself, so use free stock images. If you don’t have image-editing software, use PicMonkey!
Free stock photos – Life Blooming
Free high-resolution photos – Unsplash
4. Comment on other blogs
Comment on other blogs to connect with the bloggers and to get your name out there. But comments like, “Great post! – Kate www.katethealmostgreat.com” aren’t good. They can honestly be annoying. Definitely include your URL if you want to, but leave a thoughtful comment. Commenting is also a great way to build friendships and connect with others.
How to comment on blogs – The Wetherills Say I Do
5. Pay attention to blog statistics, but don’t obsess
It is so easy to get obsessed with the numbers in blogging, and that’s probably because for most bloggers the numbers are important to a certain extent. For me, I want to know what kind of my posts are popular so that I know what my readers like. I want to know where my readers are coming from and where (generally) they are in the world. For example, the majority of my readers are Americans, which is why I do sometimes speak generally about us Americans. But if it was split pretty evenly, I would probably speak more generally and about more world issues.
A good way to read the statistics without your head exploding is to simplify Google analytics and/or pick a purpose for looking at the numbers. Trying to figure out what your readers like? Wanting to know where they’re from? This is a good way to do it without doing a survey.
Google analytics tutorial – Helene in Between
How to simplify Google analytics reporting – Razor Social
6. Search engine optimization is actually worth it
After a certain point, in order to reach the audience you’re looking for, you should probably start using search engine optimization. This basically makes it easier for new audience members to find your blog posts. You don’t have to be really intense about it. Just the basics will take you a long way, and so check out these SEO blog tips.
SEO for bloggers – Helene in Between
SEO tips for lifestyle bloggers – All Things E
7. Pages are your friend
I’m talking about pages on your blog like About Me, Advertising, etc. This makes it easier for readers to quickly find information they’re looking for and/or information you want them to find. For example, my writing is a big part of my life and who I am, so I have a writing page. If you want to start advertising in some way, you should definitely have a page for that.
7 essential pages every blog should have – Pink Studios
8. Social media is necessary
In this day and age, if you don’t have and use social media, your blog isn’t going to grow. It’s as simple as that. Having and regularly updating your social media pages will grow your audience and your network. In order to avoid going crazy, you should develop a system for efficiently using it. Otherwise it can be really overwhelming!
20+ social media tips for bloggers – A Dose of Page
And finally –
9. Dealing with writer’s block
As a writer of blog posts, articles, novels, short stories, and more, I have dealt with my fair share of writer’s block. At some point in blogging, you will experience it. That’s why it’s important to have on hand a list of potential blog post ideas.
40 blog post ideas – Kate the (Almost) Great
60 blog post ideas – Kate the (Almost) Great (hey, what’s wrong with promoting my posts here if they are applicable?)
50 ideas for blog posts – The College Prepster
51 types of blog posts to help grow your audience – By Regina

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
These are frickin awesome and all so important!
XO Ellen from Ask Away
these are all great pieces of advice. I love how you connecting other bloggers advice with them.
I love all of your tips! I used to have a media kit for my first blog but I never made one for my new one. There are so many things I need to catch up on.
oh yeah, SEO is so important, i definitely need to start thinking about this
So glad I found your blog through the Northeast Bloggers Network! Love all that I've seen so far, Kate! This is a great post that I'm going to share with the students who are taking my beginning blogging class.
WOW going to be checking these out for sure. Love them and agree! Thanks so much for sharing! #NEB Sassytownhouseliving.com
Hey Kate, great post! Haha, just kidding. 🙂 These are all good tips/reminders. I've just started on adding SEO, and it's super useful!
i love love love this post. thanks for sharing lady!
These are great tips, and I absolutely love that you took the extra step and included other blog's similar posts for reference. So helpful! Thanks for sharing.
Great advice — I NEED to look into adding SEO; admittedly I don't know anything about it so I'll have to check out the links you shared. Glad I found you on NorthEast Bloggers (just joined this week!)
I need to pay more attention to SEO and improving the images I use – sometimes no matter how hard I rack my brain I can't think of a suitable image – oops!
Might be a tad early for me to consider a media kit though hehe! Brilliant tips though! 🙂
Love this post! Just added it to my reading list. Thank you so much! Media Kit is next on my list.
All great tips! Sometimes its hard to not think about the numbers- I'm working on that one!
Thank you for this!!!! I am still fairly new to the blogging world and don't know all the criteria to maintain a good blog. So this is extremely helpful to me.
This is so useful! I'm saving this!
I wasn't know about no-reply blogger !! and I was one!!! Thanks to you I'm not one now, there still a lot of things to learn..