Looking for a spoonie Instagram following? Looking for a more engaged following? Get both by completing this 25-day Instagram challenge!
If you’re just posting about your health randomly or occasionally talking about it, you’re missing out.
Take a more direct approach by addressing some of the many parts of the chronic illness life.
Get this challenge when you sign up for my free newsletter. Check it out here.
If you’re just posting about your health randomly or occasionally talking about it, you’re missing out.
Take a more direct approach by addressing some of the many parts of the chronic illness life.
I’ve seen a lot of Instagram prompts and ideas over social media, especially on Pinterest. But none of them have been specifically focused on chronic illness.
Whether you want to get more followers or get your current followers to be more engaged, this 25-day challenge will help you do this. Post every day Monday through Friday or space them out to get 2 months of prompts. And make it even easier by trying Tailwind for Instagram (this free trial gives you 30 posts to try it out!).
These prompts are absolutely free. All you have to do is sign up for my FREE email newsletter, and I don’t even spam you. (If I’m on top of my stuff, I send 4 or 5 emails a month.)
Don’t forget image descriptions when you post for people who use screen readers. (I mean, what’s the point of trying to get more spoonie followers if they can’t even access your content?)
Use the hashtag #AlmostGreatHealth when you post through this challenge so I (and anyone else also doing it) know that you’re doing it and can follow along.
Hashtags to use:
- #AlmostGreatHealth
- #chronicillness
- #chronicpain
- #chronicbabe
- #chronicpainwarrior
- #chronicallyill
- #chronicwarrior
- #chronicdisease
- #spoonie
- #spoonielife
- #autoimmune
- #autoimmunedisease
- #healthblogger
- #inflammation
- #endometriosis
- #endo
- #endometriosisawareness
- #endometriosiswarrior
- #endogirls
- #posturalorthostatictachycardiasyndrome
- #potsie
- #potswarrior
- #dysautonomia
- #dysautonomiaawareness
- #dysautonomiawarrior
- #dysautonomiasucks
- #fibro
- #fibromyalgia
- #fibromyalgiawarrior
- #fibromyalgiafighter
- #fibromyalgiasucks
- #rheumatoidarthritis
- #RA
- #rheum
- #rheumatoiddisease
- #arthritis
- #curearthritis
- #arthritisawareness
- #arthritissucks
- #arthritiswarrior
- #arthritisproblems
- #healthandwellbeing
- #mentalhealthawarness
- #immunesystem
- #healthjourney