If you are looking to discuss a partnership, please email me at kate@katethealmostgreat.com. For these other kinds of posts, compensation is discussed on a case-by-case basis. All of my rates are based on my page views, hits, followers, and the average views and shares my posts receive.

You should know that I do not respond to people who are looking for free promotion (even if they’re offering to “share my post/page on social media”). I get too many emails and have too little free time to respond to the people who don’t value me and this blog.
If you are looking to write for Kate the (Almost) Great, I do not accept permanent contributors or guest posts.
I am also available for speaking engagements. In that case, I would be best suited for discussing living with chronic pain and illness – both to groups of people who live with it themselves or who will work with people who live with it – or blogging.
Please be aware – I only promote ideas/events/products that I believe in.