I am happy to say that I officially completed my first semester of grad school! I turned in my last final Sunday night, and my classes don’t start until after MLK Day. So to celebrate being one step closer to being a master of literature, I thought it would be a nice time to look back at the 5 books that changed my life.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone When I was 8, my cousin got married in California, so we made the trip from Maine. I spent the entire trip reading the first Harry Potter book, and it was probably the longest book I had ever read at that time. As anyone who has read it knows, it is pure magic (pun intended) and it especially was to my little elementary-school self. Ever since then, I’ve preferred my books nice and long.
As You Like It This was the first Shakespeare play I read at the ripe old age of 10. I was in an advanced language arts class from fifth grade on (which was why I read it at age 10), and towards the end of the school year, we read As You Like It out loud. It was difficult and challenging and I didn’t understand a lot of it, but I knew enough to be fascinated by it.I’ve read a lot of Shakespeare since then, including an entire class on comedies and histories in undergrad. And here I am, 14.5 years later, and I just turned in a 12-page paper on a 16th century play as my final for my graduate program.
Elizabeth I: Red Rose of the House of Tudor, England, 1544 Who else remembers these and the “gold”-edged pages? The Royal Diaries is a series of books written as diary entries by famous princesses or royal ladies of similar rank. This was the first one I read, and it’s about Queen Elizabeth I, staring when she is 12 or 13. These books made me hungry to learn as much as I could about various royal houses, and they probably are what made me so interested in the British royal family.
Pride and Prejudice This was the first Austen book I read, and it sparked within me a deep love for her literature. More specifically, I went through a phase where I wanted to read everything she ever wrote, including her unfinished works. Every now and then, I like to reread Pride and Prejudice because it is so beautifully written and is everything we associate with Jane Austen .
And, of course, Aureole. As long as I’ve been reading, I’ve wanted to be a published author. So I sat down an wrote a novel my senior year of high school, starting with NaNoWriMo, and I published it after my junior year of college. For those of you who don’t know, I read Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park and hated the ending. Obviously, the logical solution was to write a modern version with a different ending. Aureole hopefully won’t be the only book I write – my goal is to finish the first draft of my second novel in January – but it is my first. While it may not be award-winning, it’s my book, and I’m so proud of it. My senior year of high school and my junior year of college were both incredibly difficult years, and the fact that I wrote and then edited and published a novel in those years makes me proud of who I am.
What books changed your life?
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
Congrats on being done with your first semester of grad school!
Thank you!
Congratulations on being done with the first semester! It’s a big accomplishment! x
Thank you!! I’m so happy to be done.
Hooray for finishing up your first semester!
Thank you!! I still feel like I have an assignment due tomorrow haha
I am with you on Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter! Such incredible books… & congrats on finishing your first semester. That’s wonderful 🙂
Pride and Prejudice is on my desk and I haven’t picked it up yet. I keep hearing such good things about it, so I’m definitely a little intimidated!
That’s awesome that you published a book! That’s a dream of mine! And, I totally agree with you on all the books. I am obsessed with Shakespeare. One of my Shakespeare undergrad classes, we had to write a Shakespearean scene, so I added in a scene to the end of The Taming of Shrew from the women’s perspective and it was voted best written to authenticity in my class!
I’m still waiting to find the perfect time to write my first novel. It is amazing that you managed to do it at such a hectic time in your life! Maybe that’s my problem, I keep waiting!
I love your list and I definitely want to write a post like this.