In this fast paced world where everything seems to be moving at a mile a minute, it can be challenging to find time for yourself, so that you can recharge your batteries. To fulfill this goal it helps a lot to be organized, so check out some great organizers available at Kohl’s now on a discount thanks to Discountrue. Also, it might be useful to research the topic with self help books and seminars, but in order to achieve lasting results, you’ll need to make some serious changes. When you are finding yourself longing for time alone, take a moment to consider the following ideas.
1. Spending A Night At Home
When we are invited to partake in certain events after a long day’s work, it is our natural inclination to say yes to these offers, for fear that people will stop extending the invitations if we decline. But there is nothing wrong with taking a night off from the social scene if you’re not feeling up to the task. If a person is truly your friend, they will fully understand and be sure to invite you to the next get together.
2. Treat Yourself!
At least once a month, you should schedule yourself some kind of treat, as a reward for all of your hard work. Whether it’s taking yourself out for lunch, going on a solo shopping trip without the family or any of your friends, or something as simple as leaving work early, these little excursions can make a world of difference and allow you to recharge your batteries.
3. Purchase Tickets To An Event In Advance
We tend to talk ourselves out of treating ourselves to certain events. But one of the best things that we can do to make time for ourselves is purchase tickets to a concert or a sporting event that we enjoy well in advance. When the tickets have already been purchased, it is that much harder to talk ourselves out of going to them. So take a moment to hit the town on your own and leave the plans with friends and family for another day.
4. Leave Work At The Proper Time
Would you believe that there are people who need to be told to go home at the end of the day? If you’re one of these unfortunate souls, then you need to start making a point of leaving work when you’re supposed to. If you cannot accomplish this feat at least once a week, then you need to reassess your work habits throughout the day.
5. Take A Class
If there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, there is no time like the present. Whether its pottery, belly dancing, or a foreign language, taking a class expands our horizons and gives us a unique pursuit that is wholly our own. Choosing a fun class gives us something to look forward each week and an opportunity to shake up our social circle by meeting new and interesting people!
This post was not written by Kate, and I received compensation for sharing it. For more information, check out my disclosure policy. Thank you for supporting Kate the (Almost) Great and the businesses that make it possible.

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I love these suggestions. 🙂 Spending a night at home with a good book will always, always be my favorite!!!
Those suggestions are key! 😀 I like reading or blogging that helps me unwind, and so does music.