I confess …
… living in Nashville ruined summer for me. I just want it to be cool again, even though summer here is still much shorter than it is in Nashville.
… I’m so incredibly excited for school to start. In under a month, I’ll be attending orientation!
… I’m a One Direction fan. This isn’t terribly surprising because I’ve always been a pop music fan and I loved the Backstreet Boys and NSYNC back in the day. But it is surprising to some of my friends, so I feel the need to officially announce it. I am a One Direction fan. And, no, they aren’t just for teenage girls.
… I’m having a harder time writing TLM (Novel 2 FYI) than I expected to. I just want to do it well, but I have to remind myself that I will probably rewrite it a million times and the first draft doesn’t have to be perfect.
… I have so many ideas of things I want to do to this site and there aren’t enough hours in the day! I want to finish the first draft of TLM and I want to get this blog all set before school starts so that I can manage everything.
… that thinking about where my life was a year ago and where it is now kinda freaks me out.
… I’m way more stubborn than you probably think I am. Also, my parents gave me a t-shirt that says, “Warning: Irish temper and Italian attitude.” That’s probably the best description of me.
… that my body desperately needs me to get back to yoga. I just have a hard time because I have to ease my knee into it, as in, I can’t go directly back to full lunges yet. I don’t like easing into things. I’m more of an all-in kind of person.
What do you confess?

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
haha i love that you love one direction. I do like a few of their songs, that’s for sure! I am 100% with you on there not being enough hours in the day. I have so many idea but no time to do it!
They’re great! Especially their newer music. I’ve had Fireproof on repeat since October
Haha! I love that shirt description. So funny.
Haha and everyone agrees that it fits …
You know, I was jamming out the other day to a song on the radio that I had NO IDEA was One Direction! I was so shocked! I was like, “wait, aren’t they teeny-bopper pop-star boy-band music?” Apparently not!
I know! You have to listen to Fireproof, No Control, and Strong. Love love love them!
haha, Fanny! love this.