I’m doing a good old-fashioned weekend update today! I spent the weekend up in Maine (for the first time in months), and it was so good to be up there, even if it was way colder than normal.
And now a giveaway!
Give your holiday shopping a push (or just use it to pamper yourself). This giveaway goes from 11/17/14 12:01 AM to 11/23/14 11:59 PM. After I email you, you must claim your prize within 48 hours.
Kate – Kate the (Almost) Great – www.katethealmostgreat.com
Rebekah – The Straight Arrow – www.thestraightarrow.com
Merrie – Petite Career Girl – www.petitecareergirl.com
Chelsea – The Girl Who Loved To Write – www.thegirlwholovedtowrite.com
Tabitha – a hundred tiny wishes – http://ahundredtinywishes.blogspot.com/

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
OMG THAT RAVENCLAW SCARF!!! I need it!! I'm a Ravenclaw too heheh ;] Also I'm beyond jealous of 23 degree weather…it was 78 here today, aka horrible and total winter misery. I miss the snow.
I love that mug! It looks like the dogs were really ready to walk! They're adorable.
I miss Maine so much I love it there. I love the bright orange outfit! I guess it's worth it when you don't want to get shot at!
I bet it's so beautiful during the winter!