You’re not a beginner blogger, but you still have a long way to go before being an advanced one. How will you improve? By using one or all of these blogging tips for intermediate bloggers!
More Tips for Beginning-to-Intermediate Bloggers
- Have a social media strategy – Even if your strategy is as simple as when you tweet out blog posts and what RT accounts you tweet them to, it will help you reach more people. You can check out how I promote my blog posts for ideas on what a social media strategy might look like. Oh, and make sure you don’t just promote posts on your social media! Create relationships with readers and potential readers, show your personality and your life, and promote posts.
- Have an email list – It can take a while to grow one and you never know when exactly you’ll wish that you had one, like when you’re trying to promote a product you created or share an extra amazing and important blog post. So start one and work on growing it, even if you only use it once a month!
- Always keep learning – Pinterest is a great way to keep abreast of things you never knew you needed to know. Or participate in a Twitter chat, take a webinar (Helene is doing a free one on how to get noticed as a blogger), whatever. Just because you aren’t a beginner any more doesn’t mean that you don’t have more to learn!
- If you really liked someone’s blog post, share it! – I know that this seems like an obvious one, but ask yourself how often you have shared another blogger’s post compared with how often you have loved someone’s post. You’ve probably loved posts more than you’ve shared them. Try sharing at least 2 blog posts a week. You never know who might return the favor.
- Get out of your comfort zone once and a while – For some, this means writing a controversial or personal post. For others, this means writing a fashion post when they never do that. It means different things to different people, but whatever it means, try it once and a while. You might get more page views, more followers, or more creativity!
- Create and keep at least a basic editorial calendar – Why is an editorial calendar a good idea? Planning ahead helps you be more prepared for writing posts, either because you have more time to write them or you can think about post ideas before you sit down to write it. It also helps you keep continuity and higher quality posts.
- Keep at it! – You’ll have good days and bad days. It’s a fact of life. So power through the bad ones and the slumps and keep trying.
- Don’t try to be anyone else. Be yourself and let your personality shine through! – What has made big bloggers successful is that they don’t try to be anyone else. Your blog shouldn’t mimic anyone else’s because you aren’t like anyone else. And because of this, you may not hit success – whatever that means to you – until later than others. That’s okay. You’re not any other bloggers, and neither is your blog. So other people don’t matter.
- Improve your writing – Your content can be amazing, but if your writing is terrible, you’ll never get very far. People don’t want to read something that is difficult to understand or awkward to read.
What tips do you have to be a better blogger?

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
Thanks for the tips. 🙂
My pleasure! I hope they help!
From Blogging Boost group. Great info shared. Shared on Facebook
Thank you so much! I hope it helps!
These are some really great tips!
Thanks! I hope they help you!
Great! Thanks for the suggestions. I think a couple hit the spot!
My pleasure! I hope they help!
These tips are awesome. I never can find anything for those bloggers who aren’t just beginners or already really established. I really enjoyed reading this.
Thank you so much! I’m so glad to hear that. I hope that they help!
These are all really great tips. I still consider myself a beginner since I haven’t met the year mark yet. Still, I think these suggestions apply to everyone.
Thank you! My hope is that they help everyone. And I believe that the intermediate category is the biggest one and the one with the widest variety. So you might be a beginner intermediate! No matter what level you’re at, the important thing is learning, so hopefully these help!
These are such good tips, although i don’t know whether i would consider myself intermediate yet? I think my next thing to work on is a social media strategy!
Thanks! I think that the intermediate category is the biggest one/has the widest variety, so you might be! Either way, these tips can definitely help you 😉
The editorial calendar is very good to have because it helps me to plan for my upcoming tasks. This is what I keep track of all my schedule and projects needed to be done. There are tons of things to learn, and being a blogger it’s endless and it is what makes a blogger get the skills they are looking for.
I agree 100%! I love my editorial calendar. I have all of October, and most of November and December, scheduled out. It’s great!