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Friends, I’m excited to introduce you today to a great company that is helping people pay for their prescription medications. I know that money is tight for a lot of people in general but especially now due to COVID-19. A ton of people are out of work right now or have reduced hours. That is stressful enough, but add chronic health concerns and it gets even more stressful. Because having health problems is expensive! One way that you can make that easier is by using Optum® Perks, which I’m going to tell you all about. And at the bottom of this post is a coupon card just for Kate the (Almost) Great readers!

What Optum® Perks Is
Optum® Perks is a website that helps you get a free prescription discount card so you can save money on FDA-approved medications. The site helps you find a pharmacy nearest you with the best price, which includes giving you a list of nearby pharmacies so you can choose the one with the best price, your preferred one, etc. When you go to pick up your prescription, use the coupon and save money!
$1.7+ billion saved on prescription medications and 18.6 million people have used Optum® Perks discounts (x). That’s a lot of people! You could definitely be one of them.
This is a free service that doesn’t require you to be a member or anything. Optum® Perks works with all sorts of pharmacies, both large chains and small independent ones, across the United States and in Puerto Rico.
You also don’t need to have insurance to use Optum® Perks, but it is not a replacement for insurance, and any purchases through it will not count toward an insurance deductible.

How To Use Optum® Perks
Now that I’ve shared why you should use Optum® Perks, I’m going to talk about how to do it.
The website is, and when you get there, you’ll see this screen. Start entering the name of prescription you’re looking for.

For this example, I’m using Gabapentin, which is one that I’m on personally, as I shared in my Day in the Life post. Once you’ve searched or selected your medication, add your zip code and how far you want your search to be. (I’ve blurred out most of my Maine zip code here, but I swear that’s what’s there!) You can select your search to be within 5 miles all the way up to within 50 miles. If you’re in a rural area like I am currently, that’s a huge bonus!

Once you’ve found the best deal, click “Get free coupon,” which will show you 3 different ways to get it.

Take your coupon to the pharmacy and save money! It’s that easy. And to help you, here’s a discount card that Optum® Perks has given me for you guys. Show it to your pharmacist to check for discounts on any of your medications.

Would you try Optum® Perks?
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
Great post on such an important topic!
Sounds really interesting as a scheme – the US healthcare system baffles me (I’m in the UK) but I’m glad you can find a way to save some money!
Sounds like a great scheme 🙂
I’m a Costco customer and I have found that the Costco Member Prescription Program offers better savings on more medications. Also on my pet’s prescriptions.