Get to know me!
Hi, I’m Kate, I’m a chronic illness blogger from Maine who currently lives in Boston. I’ve been blogging about chronic illness, writing, and lifestyle topics since 2013. You can read about my health history here, more about my life with chronic illness here, and get to know me better here.

Here’s a quick guide to what you can find on my blog:
If you’re looking for gluten-free recipes, what I’ve been reading, gift guides, and my personal guides to New England, you’ll find those in my lifestyle posts.
Head over to my health posts to learn more about chronic and autoimmune illnesses, tips and tricks for managing your own complex health needs, and advice on how to support your chronically ill loved ones.
Just getting started with writing or blogging (or want to learn more from my 16 years of writing experience!)? My writing and blogging posts are where you want to go.
Join my email list to get access to my resource library, early access to new content and exclusive downloads, and a monthly round-up of what I’ve been up to on my blog and social media.
Ready to dive into the blog? Here are 10 of my top posts to help you get started!
17 Things Needed to Make a Blog Successful
Essential Social Media Tips for Bloggers
What’s in My Toolbox for Dealing with Chronic Pain
17 Classic Novels Worth Reading
Making Friends as an Adult: 12 Tips You Need
How to Brainstorm Blog Post Ideas
What Immunocompromised Patients Need to Know
Want to work together? You can learn more about how I can help you here.