Thank you for going along with our craft projects or fashion posts or whatever the current project is that’s taking up the living room. For posing for approximately 10 pictures with us until we get just the right one. For eventually getting so used to the entire process that you start to ask, “Do you want me to take a picture? You know, for the blog?”
We’re sorry that we become even more obsessed with social media since we started blogging. We’re sorry for spending way too long on Pinterest and saying that it’s “for the blog” and “it’s basically work.” We’re sorry for taking forever to find just the right caption for Instagram or just the right way to phrase a tweet. (But let’s be real, we’re only a little sorry for some of this … Sorry for that?)
Thank you for accepting this slightly strange hobby where we might seem a little self-centered. Thank you for listening to us talk about bounce rates, monthly unique visitors, and Google analytics in general. Thank you for cheering us up if we don’t get into the ad network we wanted and for celebrating when we do get into them.
Thank you for proofreading and giving your honest opinions on posts and ideas. Thank you for telling us if we have messed something up and for telling us when a post hits it out of the park.
And, of course, thank you for overall putting up with and/or enjoying this hobby that we love so much!
ALSO I decided to change my ad spots! The Grande Caramel Latte spot is gone and replaced with Grande Hot Coffee which is (drumroll please) an in-post ad! That’s right, for $10 you can be in every single one of my posts for a month and you can participate in my monthly giveaway. So, quick overview of my ad spots before the discount:
– Tall Iced Coffee: small free button on the sidebar (30 days) $0
– Grande Hot Coffee: in-post ad and option to participate in giveaway (30 days) $10
– Grande Iced Latte: middle sidebar ad, weekly promotion on Twitter, I’ll introduce you in a post, and you get 1 free link in my monthly giveaway (30 days) $10
– Grande Peppermint Mocha: highest placed sidebar ad, weekly promotion on Twitter, I’ll introduce you in a post, and you get 2 free link in my monthly giveaway (60 days) $17
For stats and to buy an add, check out the Advertising page. If you do not use Passionfruit but are still interested, feel free to email me.
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I like this post a lot! I would just say thanks to my family and friends for letting me ramble on and on about my blog work and the fact that no one is allowed to eat anything until I take food photographs. Ha!
This is so accurate!!
Ha! Amen!!! Thanks to my boyfriend for putting up with every "Please read my blog post and make sure it makes sense!" and giving me such great critiques! 😀 The life of being with a blogger… 🙂
Ha! Amen!!! Thanks to my boyfriend for putting up with every "Please read my blog post and make sure it makes sense!" and giving me such great critiques! 😀 The life of being with a blogger… 🙂
This is too funny, and so true! My friends just smile and laugh when my reason for doing something is "the blog." I would definitely say thanks to my awesome friends who let me run ideas by them, read my posts beforehand, and look at my graphics that I create!
So true for my family and the few friends that know about the blog. And it is a strange hobby isnt it!
Haha, I WISH my family was better at the taking pictures part 😛
Entering the world of blogging I never thought it'd create this weird kind of "hey guys I have to do this for x,y,z" Luckily for me my family and friends are incredibly understanding and helpful which I'm very lucky and grateful for. They may do some joyful ribbing on me when I take the same picture from 20 angles, but I'm still always surprised when they ask if they can help out or toss out ideas.