I initially started my All-Time Favorites series because I figured some of you were annoyed with seeing the same things loved over and over in my monthly favorites post. Then it became a fun way to share things I love, like books, so now I’m kind of sad to see the series end.
But I’m trying to blog with more intention now – to write each post with a clear purpose and to ask myself how you, the reader, can benefit from what I’m writing – and I honestly don’t see why I would write any more posts in the series. It would be posting for the sake of posting and I also don’t really know what else I would write about. I’ve already covered the majority of the things that I love and use over and over again, so for now we will end this series here. If I think of another post that fits, one that I’m so excited to write and can’t not write, then I will. But for now, the series is ending. (All previous posts at the end!)
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
[…] All-Time Faves: Music […]