Anyone else feel like October has been all over the place? I’ve had so much going on between school and my health, and I’m both thrilled and terrified that October is almost over. The terror is because I’m heading into the most stressful part of the semester and applying for jobs and and and … you get the point. Anyway, here’s what’s going on with me currently!
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Currently, I am …
celebrating … making it to the second half of the semester: I’m trying to focus on the positive things, like how I’m 7 weeks away from being done with my MA, and not on the negative, like how there is a boatload of work in between me and the end. But I’ve hit the beginning of the busier half of the semester. I can do it!
reading … Becoming Marie Antoinette, The Four Loves, Our Mutual Friend, and Wives and Daughters: Becoming Marie Antoinette is the first in a trilogy about how Marie Antoinette went from ten-year-old archduchess Antonia to the French queen who was killed in the rebellion, and I’ve really enjoyed it so far. The Four Loves is one that I’ve been slowly trudging through because of my schedule and my limited free time. I’ve enjoyed what I’ve read, but it’s just taking me a while to get through it. Our Mutual Friend and Wives and Daughters are for school and I enjoy the latter more than the former. I just honestly strongly dislike Charles Dickens and am not enjoying him at the moment.
loving … Tarte lip paint, how my planner has been looking recently, and that it’s getting colder: I’ve been wearing Tarte lip paint in Birthday Suit, and I love the texture, the color, and how it looks. It’s my go-to lipstick. I’ve also been really intentional with how I organize and decorate my planner recently, and I’ve been enjoying how it looks. And yay for colder weather!
up to … lots of school work, getting ready for my next infusion, blog events, plenty of medical appointments, applying for internships, and starting to think about finals: I have had a LOT going on recently. Like I said, school work is really increasing. My next infusion is next month so I have blog prep in anticipation of that and I’m feeling the lack of it right now. I got the opportunity to speak at Blog Camp Boston a few weeks ago, and that was wonderful. I’m spending at least 3 days a week at medical appointments. I’m applying for publishing internships for January (which are due November-December) since I graduate in December. Basically, there’s very little free time involved.
hoping for … the weather to pick a season and stick to it, success in my internship applications, my body to cooperate for the rest of the semester.
wearing … sweater galore, full face of makeup again, riding boots, my fav Madewell tee: Now that it’s fall (and the weather is generally cooler), I am in my element. Give me sweater weather! My favorite combination is Madewell tee, sweater, jeans, and riding boots. Comfy and looks pulled together! And now that it’s (usually) not humid, I’m wearing a full face of makeup most days.

feeling … not great since I have bronchitis and I’m at the end of my infusion cycle, but I’m also happy because a medication I’ve been trying for a couple of months is definitely working: I got sick a few weeks ago (thanks, immunosuppressant medications), and felt completely terrible for at least a week. Then I saw my PCP last week and told her I just had a cold and she gave me A Look and said, “No. It’s not a cold. You have bronchitis. You need antibiotics.” So now I’m on antibiotics and feeling nausea from them but heading towards being healed! The other thing is that my last infusion has worn off, so my pain and fatigue have increased. However, I’ve been trying Arava instead of Methotrexate, and it has kicked in! The side effects are so much better than MTX and it’s definitely working. My pain and fatigue are not as bad as they usually are. If you have RA and hate MTX, talk to your rheumatologist about Arava! I’m a big fan.
watching … Supernatural, Law & Order True Crime, Dynasty, Brooklyn 99, The Craft, Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman, Demi Lovato’s documentary, Buzzfeed Unsolved, and SNL skits: I’ve been sick for over 2 weeks, okay? I’ve watched a lot of stuff. But give me your recommendations for when I’m out for the count after my infusion!
grateful for … my medical team listening to me and working with me, the opportunity to get my MA, and all of you: My rheumatologist knew that Methotrexate made me miserable, but he also knew that my pain was not as managed as it should be. Instead of forcing me to take more MTX, he suggested I try a new DMARD, and I’m so grateful. And as I near the end of my MA, I’m so grateful for the opportunity I’ve had as well as the great professors who worked with me and around my health so that I could get this degree. Last but not least, thank you to all of you. You have provided me with a creative outlet in the middle of my degree, and it has been lovely. I’m not saying goodbye – just thanking you for reading.
listening to … my working playlist, Niall Horan’s new album, Taylor Swift’s Gorgeous, and Louis Tomlinson’s Just Like You: My playlist for working is my favorite because it’s just a bunch of music that runs for 8 hours, so I never run out of things to listen to. As for October’s recent music, I love everything in Niall’s new album and Louis’s new song, too. Taylor’s Swift’s Gorgeous is the first song off of her album that I actually love. The others were okay or enjoyable, but I didn’t love them. Gorgeous? Love it.
looking forward to … the holiday season, being done with my program, and the Vanderbilt/Tennessee football game next month: It’s all so close! I can do it!
What are you currently up to?
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
How is the show Dynasty?? I feel like I need to watch it, I have just been watching so many other shows, I haven’t had the time to begin it.
Congrats on almost finishing your program! I can’t believe that I’m almost done with the first semester of mine…and thanks for the show rec’s. Definitely going to be checking out the Demi documentary and Buzzfeed videos!