So you’ve written your post and you can’t wait for the world to see it. What’s next? How can you make sure it’s seen? Today I’m sharing how I do it and some tutorials that you might find helpful.
Twitter – The day that I publish a new post, I tweet 5 times. I was 3 times a day, but then I had a consultation with Helene and she suggested 5 because of how short the life of a tweet is, and it made a big difference in my page views. On the days I don’t publish a new post, I promote an old one that seems relevant and I think my followers will like. In some of these tweets, I tag users who share other tweets, specifically @FemaleBloggerRT, @TheBlogGuideRT, and @RT_Bloggers.
Find me on Twitter
Facebook – I share my posts on my page twice a day. I schedule them so they’re in between my Twitter shares. I’m also a member of several Facebook groups where I share my posts: Her Campus Blogger Network, Northeast Bloggers, Boston Bloggers, and BlogHer Network. Some of these groups only admit members of their larger network, like the Her Campus Blogger Network.
Find me on Facebook
Instagram – Honestly, I don’t share my posts on Instagram very often. When I do, they’re important ones or giveaway. I do this because I try to only post on Instagram twice a day at the max and I don’t want my feed to be full of blog posts.
Find me on Instagram
Pinterest – However, I share them on Pinterest all the time. I try to do this during prime time (according to some, 1-4 PM and after 8 PM on weeknights is the best) and I share on multiple boards at different times to try and get the best exposure.
Find me on Pinterest
Google+ – I always submit my posts here once. Every now and then, a few weeks or months later, I’ll submit it again to get more exposure.
Find me on Google+
Tumblr – I don’t share every post on Tumblr, but I choose the ones that I think might be successful. The focus here is on the pictures, as Tumblr as a whole is more based on pictures than words, so I choose the best picture from a post and caption it with a sentence or more that will make people want to read it. I tag it with as many words or phrases that are relevant to increase the exposure, and I also add it to my queue so it will come up later. (I run my tumblr almost exclusively on a queue, posting 20 times a day over the course of 5 hours.)
Find me on Tumblr
Stumbleupon – Stumbleupon is a great way to reach people beyond your personal networks. But like every other network, you do need to share more than just your own posts. Whenever I add one of my posts, I like to spend a few minutes on the site stumbling and also add some other posts or pages from the Internet.
Find me on Stumblupon
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I always intend to do more "stumbling" but never do. This reminded me of that, so thanks 🙂
I really need to get into Stumbleupon. I hear many bloggers rave about how much reach they get from there. Great tips!
I use all of the above, but I must say that the Google+ groups are the bomb. I'm a beauty blogger and some of those communities have 50K+ members, so I take the time to share my post to all of the 10+ Google groups that I belong to. The buck of my views comes from Googe+, Pinterest and Youtube. I always do photo collages for Instagram by opening up my blog post on my phone and saving the images, then I add my website's link as my location in the Instagram post… so many new IG followers that way also.
I really need to do more sharing like this. On days where I share like crazy I always see results, but I need to try and be most consistent. Thanks for the tips.
Great post! I love seeing how everyone else shares their posts. I find it challenging to find a good balance of sharing. I don't want to clutter people's feeds with my posts all day every day, but then I also don't want to only post once and cross my fingers and hope someone sees it.
You gave me some great ideas on re-thinking how and when I share and on what networks. It made me realize that I have been going about it the wrong way in some respects. Thanks Kate! Hopefully learning from you and implementing some of your tactics can have a good effect on my visitor count too!
Great advice, thank you! Recently started my blog.