There’s a lot that goes into blogging and, more specifically, into getting your blog set up. But whether you’re brand new at this or you’ve been doing it for years, you can definitely blog better. Here are some tips that will take you to the next level and help you become a better blogger.
Write about what you like and what you know – If you’re not genuine, it will be obvious in your posts. Your readers will be annoyed, see you as a sell-out, etc. if you’re clearly writing about something you don’t know and/or like. And besides, you’ll eventually run out of things that make you excited to keep blogging.
Keep a list of post ideas – Blogging is a lot of like writing in general, especially in that you can and will face bloggers block. I strongly suggest keeping a list of things to write about when you have no ideas – I keep mine on Evernote – but at the very list, find posts with lists of post ideas. I’ve made a couple: blog post ideas for every week of 2016, 40 blog post ideas for lifestyle bloggers, 40 blog post ideas, 60 blog post ideas, and 40 more blog post ideas.
Follow bloggers in your niche that you admire and like, and interact with them – You can learn something from them, maybe collaborate with them, or (even better) befriend them. By following their blog, you can learn about what other people are saying online about your niche, what kinds of posts are successful and what are not, what “good” blog posts look like, and more.
Up your skills in writing and photography (and just in general) – Yes, you need to have great content in order to succeed, but you also need to show that content properly. If what you’re writing about is awesome but your writing isn’t, it’s going to turn people away. If you’re providing your own images in posts, they need to be good-quality pictures for the same reason.
Up your technology – This could mean a lot of different things, such as getting a new theme or design, becoming self-hosted, or getting a new camera. These are the tools that take your blog from average to the next level.
Continue to learn – This is the most important part. Constantly learn. I’m a big proponent of everyone constantly learning, but this is definitely true for blogging. We can all improve in some way, and what’s most important is to never assume that you know it all.
What are your tips to blog better?
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
could not agree more with these Kate! great post 😀
Great list! I keep a running note in my phone of post ideas. If I think I have a great idea all of a sudden, I better write it down ASAP because 5 minutes later I will have completely forgotten!
Great post, Kate! I just bought myself a self-hosted site along with a new design. On top of a better design, it made me feel more confident about showing my blog off. 🙂
Such great tips! I feel like I’ve been failing as a blogger lately, so this was the motivation and encouragement I needed 🙂
These are really great tips! Keeping a list and editorial calendar is SO important because, you’re right, writer’s block WILL happen. 🙂
My mom has had great success with her blog and especially considering how long she has been doing it for- when giving me advice, she always says to write from the heart and be genuine and the rest will come- I find that to be the best tip of all 🙂 *