Unless you are new around my neck of the Internet, you probably already know how I feel about raising awareness for arthritis and arthritis-related conditions. It isn’t just about raising awareness; it’s more about improving the lives of others living with it and hopefully finding a cure. Unfortunately, there’s so much more to life with arthritis than just the disease itself. Many different types of arthritis can lead to other health issues. One in particular is Ehler’s-Danlos Syndrome.
Samantha (Sami) Peterson is 17 years old and is from South Windsor, Connecticut. She was born with Ehler’s-Danlos, and it caused her to develop severe scoliosis. It was so severe that she had to have spinal fusion surgery to correct the 60 degree curve. But after recovering from that, she didn’t just continue to live life as a regular 15 year old. Instead, she created SHIFT Scoliosis, which provides screenings and support for all with spinal conditions.
How incredible is that? She went above and beyond living with the pain of it all and didn’t just help give back to others – she created a charity to do it. To feel inadequate or inspired? That is the question. (The answer is inspired, by the way.)
Stories like Sami’s are why I am so passionate about arthritis research and awareness. It’s why I’ve started my Spoonie Spotlight series – and the complexity of the conditions related to arthritis are why the series is titled something more generic than just specifically about arthritis. I’m hoping that in the new year (especially after my surgery) I will be able to do more to help others with arthritis. Working as a Cure Arthritis Ambassador with the Arthritis National Research Foundation is one way I’m able to help people now, and I have grand plans for the future.
But my current way of giving back is nothing quite like Sami’s. She is a Bakken Invitation Honoree, which means she received a $20,000 grant to help SHIFT Scoliosis. She embodies Live on. Give on.

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
YOU inspire me Kate! Y.O.U.
stories about caring and generous people inspire me. I would donate to the local food bank
I volunteer at a nonprofit called Family Assistance in Grand Rapids, Michigan. My family has been volunteering there for 3 generations! and my grandma was one of the founders. We take in gently used clothing, bedding, books, and toys and give them to families in need in the community. Then with any monetary donations, we buy new underwear and socks to donate as well (because no one wants used undies haha). It is such a great organization that has been growing drastically every year! This year we started building a new place to house all the clothing and fill orders for families. I would just love to be able to help FA with their outreach!
i would use it to give to my local food bank and donate to charities that care for the elderly in hospices in our area. kindness inspires me.
Random of kindness acts of people inspire me. I am going to donate to local food shelves and adopt a family to help with holiday wishes and meals.
A couple of weeks ago a young woman from my town was in a very bad car accident and is still in the hospital. My town/community is having benefits for her to help her family pay for these hospital expenses. If I won, the money would go towards this woman and her family!
The compassion and unconditional love animals give me inspires me.
I would use that money to buy more cat food and treats to help feed the neighborhood cats in need.
I'd use the money to buy supplies for my local Hearing Dog program…I've seen how their hard working trainers change the lives of both the homeless dog and the people they're placed with.
The chronic pain community, online in particular, inspires me daily. 🙂 So thankful to have "met" you, Kate!