I am so, so, so excited for the weekend because I’m going back to Nashville for the first time since I moved over 2 years ago! One of my friends from college is getting married there, which gives me the perfect excuse to go back to the city where I lived for 5 years. I’ve missed it and my friends from college terribly. Some live (or have lived) here in Boston, but there are more that I haven’t seen in anywhere from 1 month to years. I’m sure that I’ll be talking about and showing my trip on Instagram and Snapchat a lot, but before we get to that, I have to get ready for my trip. And, of course, that involves packing. Over the course of 5 years of living across the country from my family and then a lifetime of weekend trips to our house in Maine, I’ve learned a LOT about packing for short and long trips, so here are my tips and a packing list to help you maximize your bag.
Tip 1: Pack Outfits. For a weekend trip, it’s easier to pack the outfits for each day or occasion rather than by packing separate pieces that you would like to wear. This way, you’re guaranteed to have outfits ready to go and you don’t have to make them.
Obviously this is a special case because I’m going to a wedding this weekend, but you should definitely pack at least 1 dressy or formal outfit in case something comes up. That could be that a restaurant you want to go to is higher class than you expected or you decide you want to do something that requires more a formal outfit than you plan on needing. Regardless of the reasons you might need it, have something ready just in case.
Tip 2: Pack at least 1 piece in case the weather is different than the forecast. Whether that means a pair of shorts or t-shirt if you’re the forecast is cooler or jeans or a sweater if the forecast is warmer will depend on where you’re going and the time of year.
Tip 3: Choose the accessories and shoes you’re bringing based on the outfits you’re packing, and choose some that go with multiple outfits.
Tip 4: Prepare for the worst. If you spill coffee on your shirt but only have one other to wear that weekend, you’re probably going to wish you packed an extra one. You never know what could happen, but you can always prepare just in case something does happen.
Now that we’ve covered important tips for packing, here’s a guide:
Packing List
- 2-3 outfits, with maybe more depending on the plans for the weekend
- Just-in-case items, like jeans, sweatshirt, extra top, etc.
- Accessories and shoes for the outfits
- Underwear, socks, pajamas, etc.
- Electronic(s), charger(s), and other entertainment like a book
What are your tips for packing for a weekend trip?

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I am a horrible packer! I never have specific outfits in mind when I pack, there’s always gotta be options! Great tips!