While everyone should blog about a topic because they want to and not because they think it will bring them traffic, there are certain types of blog post ideas that are practically guaranteed to increase your page views. And even better – they can bring you traffic for years. Spending an hour writing one of these posts can help you dramatically over time.
5 Most Amazing Blog Post Ideas To Bring You Traffic for Years
Roundups – These are posts that have links to a variety of other posts. They might be recipes, crafts, helpful posts about blogging, etc., and they could be roundups of your posts or other people’s. These posts post a lot of useful information in one place, which is why they’re so successful in getting page views. And if you create a roundup with mostly your posts in it, you can further increase page views and decrease bounce rate. That is one downside to roundups; they tend to increase your bounce rate if you collect information from other people’s sites since readers open them but then click out. Make sure your links open in a new tab so you can reduce the impact of it!
Examples: 14 Yummy Fall Recipes, 10 Homemade Valentine’s Day Gifts, 87 Blogging Tutorials, Need Grammar Help?
Helpful – Sometimes this is a “how-to” post or it’s educating people on an issue you know a lot about or it’s something else entirely. The moral of the story is that it needs, well, to help your readers. An important aspect of this is that it cover a topic that other people aren’t. (Which is also important overall, as I’ll talk about.) A helpful post about how to apply foundation that’s one of 100 might not give you a lot of views, but one about the pros and cons of multiple different tools to apply foundation can stand out better among the competition.
Examples: Accepting Your Body with Chronic Illness, How To Get Involved in the Political System Even if You Never Have Before, How To Take Notes in Class
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Advice – How does this differ from a helpful post? This is based more on personal experience and less about specific tools or tricks. You might discuss what you learned from a certain event happening to you, or what you wish you had done differently at the beginning of the semester, or why you think people should vote for a certain political candidate if they have x opinion. Basically, this is using your expertise and sharing it with the world.
Examples: What I Learned from Website Copywriting, Don’t Say “It Could Be Worse”, The Lifestyle Changes I Made for My Rheumatoid Arthritis
Blog Post Ideas – These posts get shared SO many times. In fact, 2 of my posts of blog post ideas that I wrote at least a year ago were in the 10 most popular posts of February, as my blog traffic report shows. Everyone hits blogger’s block at some point, and lists of post ideas come in handy for everyone. I strongly suggest creating one of these!
Examples: Blog Post Ideas for Every Week of the Year, 40 Blog Post Ideas for lifestyle Bloggers, 60 Blog Post Ideas
Blog Reports – People love transparency and being a little nosy, so traffic and income reports are always popular. Some people read these reports because they’re curious and some read them because they have helpful information. But the reports that bring traffic for ages are the ones that provide information on how you got that traffic or how you made money from your blog.
Examples: My monthly blog traffic reports
Important characteristics of these posts:
- Are applicable year after year
- Bring something new to the Internet (even when it’s just putting a bunch of other posts into one)
Want more blog post ideas?
What blog posts have brought you great traffic for years?

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
I’m bookmarking this. Thank you!
You are so welcome! I hope it helps.
This is great – super helpful! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Christina | http://www.cuddlepill.com
You’re so welcome!
As a food blogger, it’s funny to see that my easiest “barely a recipe” recipes are always the steadfast traffic drivers 😛
That’s so interesting! Maybe it’s because so many people don’t want to do the work that might come from a “full” recipe?
Thanks for the tips Kate! xxx
The Frugal Teen | http://thefrugalteen.wixsite.com/thefrugalteen
You’re so welcome! I hope it helps!