High school and college students across the country have either gone back to school already or are about to. Every school year (and semester) is a fresh start, giving you the opportunity to do better than you did in the past. This applies to your grades but also to your habits and to your understanding of the material discussed. To help you do your absolute best, I am compiling all of my posts about school here. I have written a little bit about each post so you can check out the ones that you need and not others.
ALSO, I have created a printable with tips to help you take better notes on your readings. Print this out and put it up on your wall over your desk or in your binder(s) so you have it readily available and don’t have to read the post about it to remember these tools. Check it out down below.
Tips for College and High School Success in General
My Back-to-School Essentials | These are all the things I need for a successful semester.
How To Succeed in College: Getting Set for a Great Semester | In this post, I share 5 tips to succeed this semester. Since this is my 13th semester (undergrad + grad school) and I think I’ve done well in most classes, these tips will really help you this semester.
Tips for a Great School Year | These tips differ from the previous one slightly, as they are more general than the other.
Take Better Notes on Your Readings + Free Printable (it’s not in that post) | It’s very easy to read something for class, close the book or text, and realize you remember almost nothing from it. That’s why it’s so important to take notes on them in a notebook, on the text, or both. This post will help you understand your text better.
How To Take Notes in College | There are a variety of different note taking methods, and they work for different people. Additionally, this post includes different things that you should include in your notes.
Writing Papers for Any Class: A Teacher’s Tips | Unless you’re in a science or math class, you will probably have to write multiple papers in your semester. Want to write an awesome one? This post will help you do that. I double majored in secondary education and English in undergrad and am currently getting my MA in English literature; I’ve written a lot of papers in my time, and I’ve graded a fair amount of papers as a teacher. You might say that I’m an expert on writing papers.
The 5 Most Effective Ways To Study for Midterms | These tips apply to all tests, but especially to midterms and finals. Again, I’ve been a student for 12 semester so far and am about to start my 13th (which is also my last!). I’ve taken a lot of tests in my time. Here is what you can do to make sure that you do well on your tests.
Grammar Tips
The Grammar Mistake Almost Everyone Makes | This is something that pretty much everyone does, but it will probably only be an issue (for grading) in English or composition courses.
5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Review Grammar | No matter how old you are or how far you are in your education, you should review grammar every once and a while. If you’re already convinced, just check out the grammar tips below.
On Grammar Variety in Your Writing | Did you know that the best papers have grammar variety in them? This is something that affects how a paper comes across to the reader, although the reader probably doesn’t know that that is what is happening.
[bctt tweet=”Best Study Tips in College + Free Printable To Take Notes” username=”kmitchellauthor”]
Rules of English Grammar
These are all my posts about grammar. If you would like more information about these and other elements of grammar (plus worksheets to help you master them), you can get my book The Essential Grammar Handbook for $10 here.
Capitalization: Part 1 and Part 2
Comma Rules: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Misplaced Modifiers: What They Are & How To Use Them Correctly
How To Use Apostrophes Correctly
Don’t Overuse Exclamation Points
Good luck this school year! If you have any parts of grammar or writing that you would like my help on, comment below. Remember: I have a degree in secondary education and English and I’m a licensed English teacher. I can definitely help you!

Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
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