Hi everyone! I’m Alison from Simply A, and I’m really excited to be guest-posting today on Kate’s blog! When Kate asked what kind of guest post I wanted to write, I had a few ideas floating around. I first started reading Kate’s blog because I was looking for people who understood what it was like to have a chronic illness, especially one that was difficult to diagnose. Kate’s blog really spoke to me, because not only is she a smart and funny woman, she has a lot of big life goals and she doesn’t let her illness get in her way. I knew that I wanted to write something that would be a good fit with Kate’s usual blog topics, and since Kate is in the process of going back to school, I felt like a post about being a graduate/professional student while managing a chronic illness would be just the thing!
1. Learn to say no.
2. Get help!
3. Prevention is best, but have a contingency plan. (Or 3)
4. Don’t neglect your mental and emotional health!
5. Take ownership.
6. Find the good!
There are so many more things that I could talk about with regards to chronic illness, mental health, and med school, and if you want to read about it, you can start here, here, or here! Thanks again to Kate for letting me take over her space here on the internet, and I hope to see you around on Simply A!
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
[…] the different ways that chronic illness can affect your life. It affects your relationships, your education, and your life in general. But one massive way it can affect your life is through your finances. […]