There's a definition of insanity that we have all probably heard before - doing the same thing the same way over and over, but expecting a different result each time. So if ... Read the Post...
How To Shop at Whole Foods without Breaking The Bank
The other day I mentioned how I'm cutting even more food out of my already limited diet. For those of you keeping track, that means that I am now not eating gluten, dairy, ... Read the Post...
Bits of Life
I'm doing a bit of a stream of consciousness today because it's my blog and I can do that. My workspace the past few days as I've been tired and sore The Pats are going ... Read the Post...
Currently + Ulta Giveaway
Life currently - with an Ulta giveaway at the bottom! Feeling ... overwhelmed by my health stuff, as happens from time to time. I've basically been told, "If you ... Read the Post...
Spoonie Spotlight: Kenji
Happy Sunday! Hope you're all having a good weekend. Today's feature on Spoonie Spotlight is the awesome Kendra, also known as Kenji! Spoonie Spotlight is my way to use my ... Read the Post...
Feel Good Playlist
I listen to all different types of music: pop, country, indie, alternative, classical ... But when it comes to music that gets me pumped up and excited about life, I like it ... Read the Post...
How To Live At Home in Your Twenties
I don't really talk about this on the regular - more because it just hasn't come up than that I'm hiding it - but I'm 23 years old and I live with my parents. For those of you ... Read the Post...
The 8 Things a Millennial with Arthritis Wants You To Know
Happy Monday! I thought I would take a bit of a different approach to talk about arthritis today. Here are 8 things I, a millennial with arthritis, want to tell you! 1. I'm ... Read the Post...
3 Healthy Fruit Smoothie Recipes
I'M ALIVE. I have survived the stomach flu of death. It has been going around my family and since I'm on medication that shuts down my immune system because, you know, the ... Read the Post...
How To Choose The Right Party Dress
So many party dresses and never enough parties! It can be hard to find the right dress, and perhaps even harder to choose which of your "right" dresses to wear for a given ... Read the Post...
How To Use Apostrophes Correctly
Oh, apostrophes. They can be the bane of my existence sometimes because (I will fully admit this) I sometimes forget their correct grammar use. So I thought that if I am ... Read the Post...
101 Things in 1001 Days: 368 Days In
Just about a year ago, I started my list of 101 things to do in 1001 days. Some of them are serious, some are silly, but all are items I want to accomplish. I was inspired by ... Read the Post...
Spoonie Spotlight: Leanne
Woohoo! Happy 2015! I'm back today with the first Spoonie Spotlight of the new year. Spoonie Spotlight is my way to use my platform to share the stories of others living with ... Read the Post...
Leaky Gut and Anemia
Hey, guess what? I'm leaking. Literally. Let me back up a bit. As you probably know if you've been following me on this blog or on social media, you know that I have ... Read the Post...
Either I Will Find A Way, Or I Will Make One
As 2014 ends, I looked back at what I did this year yesterday and today I'm looking at how far I have come on my Project Kate plans. The Plan / Update 1 / Update 2 / Update ... Read the Post...