I'm getting to that point in the week where I'm starting to run out of food but I don't want to go to the grocery store yet. Since I'm out of all my possible desserts, I ... Read the Post...
June Lovin
I've decided to try and make a once-a-month post about things I'm loving that month. Here are the books, articles, website, products, food, and people I'm loving this ... Read the Post...
Self-Publishing Sunday {Wrap Up}: Companies & General Advice
Well, here it is. The last Self-Publishing Sunday post. 12 posts over 4 months - I can't believe it! Thanks for supporting me, this series, and wanting to keep reading week ... Read the Post...
Each Day Is a Battle
If you're looking for a post about staying positive while having a chronic illness/pain condition, you've come to the wrong place. If you're looking for a happy lifestyle ... Read the Post...
Commas Stop Cannibalism
Okay. I can’t keep it in any more. I’ve been trying to suppress my inner Grammar Queen – since I am an English teacher and all – but I can’t do it any more. I’m doing this ... Read the Post...
Self-Publishing Sunday {Week 11}: Q&A 2
Welcome back to another Q&A post about self publishing. We are nearing the end of the series - as of right now, next week's post will be the last one. Thank you all for ... Read the Post...
How Many Spoons Do You Have?
No, I'm not asking you to go count your silverware drawer, although you're more than welcome to if that's your thing. I'm talking about spoon theory. What is spoon ... Read the Post...
Maine Weekend Recap
I know that it's Tuesday, and most people are fully in their week, but I'm on vacation and time works differently here. For those of you who don't know, I'm originally from ... Read the Post...
Self-Publishing Sunday {Week 10}: Giveaways
So you're a published author. You have your book, you've got your book tour scheduled, or you're just looking to promote your book. One great way to do this is through ... Read the Post...
40 Blog Post Ideas
We've all been there - you sit down to blog, but can't think of anything to write. On the days when you don't know what to blog about, use of these ideas. (Pssst - pin this ... Read the Post...
What I’m Loving
Thought I would start the week off on a positive note with 5 things that I'm loving. Don't forget to enter my birthday giveaway - it's open until Wednesday at 11:59 ... Read the Post...
Self-Publishing Sunday {Week 9}: Reviews
It's Self-Publishing Sunday time, and this week we're talking book reviews. This post should be a bit shorter than some of the others. Also, I'm starting to compile questions ... Read the Post...
So Someone You Know Was Diagnosed with Arthritis
Let's say that you are one of the 4 in 5 Americans who don't have arthritis, but because that statistic is so high you're most likely going to know someone (other than me and ... Read the Post...
How to Pack for a Summer Trip
If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I'm heading up to New England on Wednesday. I'm going to be in Boston and Maine (the Portland and Bangor areas), and will be up ... Read the Post...
Self-Publishing Sunday {Week 8}: Virtual Book Tour
Welcome back to Self-Publishing Sunday after a couple of weeks off! First I dislocated my knee, then it was Memorial Day Weekend, so here we are three weeks after the last ... Read the Post...