Many thanks to DeAndrea for this guest post! I’m having my infusion today and will probably be offline until next week.
We all have a lot of different commitments going on in our daily lives and sometimes it can be a bit much. These past few weeks, I have constantly dealt with the feeling of being unmotivated and tired. Some days are smooth, but then there are others where I just feel completely drained.
I am currently in my senior year of college which comes with its set of challenges such as balancing classes, working, and preparing for life after college. I am not sure what stage you are in, but we all struggle with the feeling of being overwhelmed sometimes. In order to overcome that and reach the extraordinary goals we have set for ourselves we have to find ways to push through.
Since this has been such a difficult time for me, I have had to discover fun and creative ways to stay positive. No matter where you are in life, I think at least a few of these tips can serve as motivation.
1. Write Morning Gratitudes = Recently, I created a notebook where I jot down things that I am thankful for. I do this every morning right before I leave the house for the day. This idea came to me after realizing that I spend too much energy comparing my life to others. Writing morning gratitudes allows me to focus on what I am thankful for in the moment and highlights things that are going well in my life.
Having this morning reminder gives me the motivation to continue to accomplish more and do my best. Depending on what works for you and what you need, determines when you write and how much you write. It is really up to you.
2. Daily Affirmations (subscribe to text message, website) – Recently, I learned about a website called Shine which sends daily text messages that provide morning motivation. It is definitely a kickstarter. The messages remind you that your current path is preparing you for your future success. It really helps you to learn how to embrace your journey with all the ups and downs. If you are interested in learning more about Shine, you can check it out here.
3. Journal/ Reflect – Journaling is another outlet. You will literally be able to get everything off your chest in one place. If you want, you can take it a step further and review what you have written and put your thoughts in order. This allows you the opportunity to figure out what is working and what is not.
It is very relaxing and does not have to be like the Pinterest ideas of journaling. Make it simple. Take a minute, 2, or 5 minutes to write down what you need and keep it moving. When journaling do what you need to do in order to be satisfied. This is your time for yourself.
4. Brighten up Your Clothes – On a dreary day, I have no qualms about throwing on a bright yellow shirt. Yellow is my go to. I try to stay away from dark colors especially when I am down because they don’t make me happy or make me motivated to do anything. So, if I am feeling down, the first thing I will reach for in my closet is a bright shirt.
I want you to think about it, when it rains what do you feel like doing? For me, I dream about laying in my bed watching Netflix and drinking tea or hot chocolate. However, on a sunny day I am the opposite. I am more motivated to get out of my house and do things. I believe that colors have power. If you need a little boost or pick me up, think about brightening up your attire.
5. Positive Music – Playlist are key. Turn on some girl power music or anything in that genre and it is guaranteed to get you going. Who runs the world? Girls! This can be nice to listen to anytime: in the morning, in between classes, or while doing work. I listen to Pandora a lot. I know when I tried Pandora Premium I listened to my favorite upbeat Camp Rock and High School Musical songs. I even through in a little bit of Mulan. What are some of your favorite go-to songs for a little motivation?
Hi you guys. Thanks for reading my post. I hope that you find it useful. My name is DeAndrea and I blog over at You should definitely check me out especially if you’re into self-growth, study abroad, or college. I specialize in those topics and a few more. Just click this link.
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Kate Mitchell is a blogger, chronic illness patient, and advocate who helps people understand chronic illness and helps chronic illness patients live their best lives.
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