Don't forget to enter to win a mug from ABD by Sunday, 4/26/15 at 11:59 PM! I have a confession to make: I get jealous when some people call themselves writers. Don't worry; ... Read the Post...
10 Things I Wish I Knew When I Was Diagnosed
This July, it will have been 5 years since I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. This August, it will have been 4 since I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Today I'm ... Read the Post...
FAQ + Giveaway
Here are the questions I am asked the most frequently in one handy dandy post. Hope this helps you get to know and understand me better! Q. What's wrong with you, anyway? ... Read the Post...
My All-Time Faves: Beauty
Thanks for joining me in today's installment of my all-time favorite things. Today I'm talking everything beauty! You might remember a few weeks ago I shared what's in my ... Read the Post...
How Do Adults Celebrate Their Birthday?
We are now just about 7 weeks away from my birthday - June 5 for those of you ready to shower me with adorations - and, per usual, I'm now starting to think about how I want ... Read the Post...
On Hillary Clinton Running for President
Yes, dear readers, I know that you are shocked to learn from me that Hillary Clinton is running for president. She announced it on Sunday in a video message that took us all ... Read the Post...
87 Blogging Tutorials
These are the best blogging tutorials - and NONE of them are blog post ideas. Just 87 tutorials that will help your blogging in other ways! Promoting Your Blog with ... Read the Post...
Spoonie Spotlight: Chloe
Welcome to this week's Spoonie Spotlight. Today I'm featuring Chloe! Spoonie Spotlight is my way to use my platform to share the stories of others living with arthritis or an ... Read the Post...
My All-Time Faves: Clothes, Shoes, and Accessories
I'm starting a new series today! While working on my favorites for each month, I quickly realized that there are some things - books, TV shows, movies, clothes, beauty ... Read the Post...
How I Wrote A Novel in High School
Earlier this week, I shared 10 reasons why you should buy my book. Sometimes people are surprised that I, at 23, have written and published a book. Once they hear that I ... Read the Post...
Find Out Who You Are
So many life updates! I didn't realize how many things had changed until I had some questions recently about some things going on. Oh, and if you don't follow me on Instagram, ... Read the Post...
10 Reasons To Buy My Book
Oh, you didn't know that I wrote a book? Well, back in my senior year of high school, I decided to sit down and achieve my dream of being an author. A few years later, I ... Read the Post...
Interior Design Inspiration + Giveaway
Last summer, I was talking to a good friend of mine who was also moving to Boston. She talked about her new apartment and mentioned that she wanted to decorate it so it didn't ... Read the Post...
Commas vs. Semicolons
I can give you rules and examples of how to use commas and semicolons correctly six ways to Sunday, but it might not stick. Not everyone learns the same way. What might make ... Read the Post...
What To Wear on Easter
It's hard to believe it, but Easter is almost here. We still have snow on the ground here in Boston, although it is warming up and melting away a little at a time, so it'll be ... Read the Post...