Arthritis is a complex disease masquerading as a simple one, and it's one that plays a giant role in the world. More than 50 million American adults live with arthritis - ... Read the Post...
April Blog Traffic Report
Oh wow. April was SUCH a tough month for me. Last week, I had another ER trip from another ovarian cyst and a possible infection. With inflammatory arthritis and fibromyalgia, ... Read the Post...
Not All Disabilities Are Visible
Too often recently, friends or online acquaintances of mine have been accused of faking their disability. If you've ever been around my part of the Internet, you know that I'm ... Read the Post...
Mother’s Day Gift Ideas
Did you know that we are two weeks away from Mother's Day? Since it's a holiday that changes dates, it can sneak up on us, but if you haven't thought about gifts yet, now is ... Read the Post...
Healthy Hair Routine
Are you struggling with unhealthy hair? Check out these 5 tips from Viki Howell. #1: Healthy Lifestyle Balanced diet is extremely important because your ... Read the Post...
How Studying Abroad Can Change Your Future
Hello regular Kate readers! My name is Amanda, and I usually blog over at Rhyme & Ribbons, I have the good fortune to be spending some time with you all today. Now, I try ... Read the Post...
So You Want To Write a Book
There are a lot of people out there who want to write a book. In 2014, 325,142 people signed up for NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. As you can gather, that means ... Read the Post...
Where I Went the Past 2 Weeks + an Etsy Giveaway
I'm back! I (obviously) took an unexpected 2-week blog vacation, but I'm back now. If you follow me on Twitter, you know that I had a small medical emergency last week, which ... Read the Post...
We Need To Talk about Ableism
As a society, we have become a lot more "politically correct" in the past decade. There a lot of people who think this is a bad thing (*cough* Donald Trump supporters ... Read the Post...
March Blog Traffic Report
What's really exciting to me today is that this marks 1 year of monitoring my blog traffic. For the past 365 days, I have been actively trying to grow my blog traffic and ... Read the Post...
March Favorites
And suddenly we're 1/4 of the way through the year! It's hard to believe that, and I know that before long it will be summer and then winter again. March has been an ... Read the Post...
4 Reasons Why I Self-Publish
As you may or may not know, I self-publish my books, which so far are Aureole and The Essential Grammar Handbook. There's no doubt that self-publishing is a lot of work, and ... Read the Post...
Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Summit 2016 (Plus $115 Gift Card Giveaway)
Well, it took me nearly a week, but I finally have a recap of my trip to the Arthritis Foundation's Advocacy Summit! I'm going to talk about what I did on that trip, who I met ... Read the Post...
My Morning Routine
My life is in a weird place at the moment. Two days a week, I work in Cambridge, and since I start at 7:30 AM, I'm up at 6 at the latest. Two other days a week, I have class ... Read the Post...
On Spring Beauty Products
Hello! I'm Lindsay and I blog at Bourbon, Lipstick, and Stilettos. I'm a 30-something Kentucky gal who believes in strong bourbon and a bold lip. I share my opinions on ... Read the Post...